Tuesday 3 November 2015

Museum Trip in Town((:

On the 8th of October we went to two museums in town.The first one we went to was the good one it was on World War One in the National  Library of Ireland.The man there was really nice he was asking us why there wasnt any foreign people in are year which was weird but other than that he was nice.The gallery was really good it told the stories of different people who lived through world war one.You could listen to recordings of letters people wrote to their families and they were real sad but interesting.Then there were videos of men talking about different events in world war one which was really good.And then Kelsey fell down the stairs on the way out.
Then we went to the Yeats museum.:( which was the most boring thing ever because we didnt get to walk around and read things ourselves we had to have a tour guide who told us every single detail about Yeats' life from the minute he was born.So we were standing up for like an hour and i was soo bored.
But then we got to get McDonalds which was so good cause i was starving.Then we still had an hour or something to go do whatever we wanted before we left so we went to the disney store and i was never there before so it was like the best day of my life.Except i spent all my money on food so i couldnt buy anything))))):

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